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Our Team

Our team is 100% volunteer-driven mainly by Afghan-Americans with a passion for service and all experienced in direct social services, civic engagement, program development and more. Our team has worked long hours-- on top of their fulltime jobs and commitments-- to make sure newcomers are welcomed with dignity and respect., while providing them resources to thrive during resettlement.  


The hard work our team members carry out on a daily basis is the pulse of the The 5ive Pillars Organization. 

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Zuhal Bahaduri  


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Rabia Safee

Refugee Support Services 

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Rita Aziz

Data Specialist


Farkhanda Omar



Jeff Ebner 

Media Producer

The 5ive Pillars Organization is honored and privileged to have a diverse group of individuals form part of our Advisory Board. Through the Advisory Board's expertise, strategy, and partnership, we are able to provide higher quality direct services to newcomer families, amplify our communication strategy, and develop more impactful programs. 


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Faisal Estmay, 

Refugee Resettlement Consultant &

Case Manager, BRFN 

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Sara Lamnin 

Former City Councilmember,

City of Hayward 


Rolando Diaz 

Associate Consultant, 

California State Assembly 

Democratic Caucus 

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