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City of Hayward Issues Support for Afghan Adjustment Act

The City of Hayward and Mayor Barbara Halliday issued a letter to California Senators Dianne Fieinstein and Alex Padilla, as well as Congressman Eric Swalwell requesting support and co-sponsorship of the Afghan Adjustment Act (S. 4787/H.R. 8685).

"If Afghans cannot secure temporary or permanent residency once their parole expires, they could lose access to employment, health care, and their legal right to reside in the U.S.," Mayor Halliday said in a statement.

"The East Bay is home to one of the largest Afghan communities in the United States and the City of Hayward is committed to working jointly with other local agencies and organizations to provide swift, effective, and compassionate support to our Afghan community members," Mayor Halliday continued.

The 5ive Pillars Organization welcomes Mayor Halliday's letter of support for the Afghan Adjustment Act and looks forward to seeing recent Afghan arrivals in a better, more stable place in which their uncertain immigration status does not become an impediment to receive vital resources for them and their families.

The letter is in addition to the City of Hayward's "Resolution Welcoming and Calling for Support of Afghan Refugees That May Resettle in Hayward and the Greater Bay Area" that passed unanimously in the weeks after the Kabul evacuation last year.

To read the full statement, click the PDF below.



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