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The 5ive Pillars Organization's Statement on Ukraine

As the world continues to witness a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, our hearts, thoughts, prayers, and meditations are with the Ukrainian people. The escalation and subsequent Russian invasion have prompted many organizations, businesses, and institutions around the world to stand in solidarity with Ukraine.

The 5ive Pillars Organization, in its mission to bring relief to migrants, refugees, displaced people, and other newcomers, stands strongly in our commitment to the "5ive Pillars" that centers: service, community, sympathy, compassion, and unity. Our dedication to these elements is why the situation in Ukraine calls for us to join hundreds of other groups and display our support for the Ukrainian people. For this reason, too, we have displayed a Stand With Ukraine badge on our website and encourage other organizations that use Wix to join in and display their support.

We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian-Americans, especially the local Ukrainian community in Northern California.

We encourage our supporters to consult the CNBC list of top-rated charities for Ukraine by visiting their page.


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